Does the professional thief and organised criminal have a safe haven in committing economic crimes? Chair: Dr Janice Goldstraw-White Panellists:Richard Hyde - Senior Researcher, Social Market...
Attracting teenagers to security work: how is the sector doing? Chair: Martin Gill Panellists:Houdah Al-Hakim - CEO and Founder, Quick Click SecurityTim Mann -...
Security management in Canada: what are the strengths and weaknesses? Chair: Martin Gill Panellists:Tim McCreight - National Director, Market Development and Strategic...
Artificial Intelligence: a security essential or a dangerous ‘big brother’? Chair: Martin Gill Panellists:Deborah Evans - Security & Defence Researcher, Southwest Research...
Horizon scanning: how good are we at predicting the future? Chair: Martin Gill Panellists:Masseh Tahiry - Director, Pallas AdvisorsPaul Ekblom - Visiting Professor,...
Influencing opinion to improve perceptions of the security sector: what should we do? Chair: Martin Gill Panellists:Tom Reeve - Communications Consultant and Chief Communications Officer at...
Mentoring, does it work? Is the security sector good at it? Chair: Martin Gill Panellists:Yolanda Hamblen - Head of Security Operations, Virgin Media O2Claire...
When is political violence a business problem? Chair: Martin Gill Panellists:Robert A. Pape - Professor, Political Science Department. Director,...
Fraudulent degrees and qualifications: the problem and potential remedies Chair: Martin Gill Panellists:Keith Rosser - Director of Reed Screening, ReedGavin Burton - Consultant,...
Do we really care about Young Security Professionals? Chair: Martin Gill Panellists:Richard Brooks - Director of Young Professionals, ASIS International -...
Making the protection of the public a legal obligation: a good idea or tried and failed before? Chair: Martin Gill Panellists:Paul Harvey - Chief Commercial Officer, Ward SecurityMarshall Kent -...
Diversity: what about the disabled and the LGBT community? Chair: Martin Gill Panellists:Jane Farrell - Head of Security UK and Ireland at SodexoArevika Stepanian...
The role of auditors in tackling fraud: how we can get the best from our teams Chair: Dr Janice Goldstraw-White Panellists:Liz Sandwith - Chief Professional Practices Adviser -...
Learning from New Zealand: The opportunities and challenges for security Chair: Martin Gill Panellists:Ngaire Kelaher - Security Risk and Training ConsultantGary Morrison - CEO, New Zealand...
Security and journalism: is the industry getting the reporting that it deserves? Chair: Martin Gill Panellists:Mark Rowe - Editor, Professional Security MagazineClaire Meyer - Managing...